Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Book Blog #4

     I read Daughters of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor.
     It is about a girl named Karou. She has blue hair that grows out of her head that color. She never gives away any information about her family, she draws made-up (or are they?!) monsters in her sketch books, and she has a necklace with beads that can cause things to happen. She disappears randomly, sometimes coming back with a bullet wound or a tropical disease. She has strange tattoos all over her body and she has no idea how they got there. She knows lots of languages, not all of them human.
     Black hand prints are being scorched into doors all over the world. People are reporting seeing angels drop down from a rip in the sky, place their hand on a door, and then leave. What is happening??? Read the book to find out!

     I think the best scene-setting would be on the first page of the book when the author is describing Karou and Prague where she lives. "It was cold, and it was dark- in the dead of winter the sun didn't rise until eight -but it was also lovely. The falling snow and the early hour conspired to paint Prague ghostly, like a tintype photograph, all silver and haze."

Days of Blood and Starlight
Dreams of Gods and Monsters



  1. Why must you leave it on a cliff hanger?!?!?!?!? You had great description, but YOU LEFT ON A CLIFF HANGER! Now I must read the book! Good review.
