Saturday, October 17, 2015

Book Blog #7

     I read Attachments by Rainbow Rowell. I've read a couple other books by her and they were all very good, Attachments included. 
     It is told from alternating chapters of email conversation between two women and third-person of a man named Lincoln. Lincoln's job is to read other people's email and send them warnings if they are talking to each other and not doing their work. He starts reading the emails between Beth and Jennifer. He starts to like them more and more even though he has never met them in person. 
     This book is very funny and  good. I would recommend it to anyone (except for *ahem* people who don't like cursing)  


  1. This book sounds interesting. I think I might put it on my TBRL.

  2. This sounds like a super good book from your review! I will read it as soon as I can!

  3. It sounds like an interestingly formatted book. I will try to read it soon. It sounds really good, judging by your review.

  4. I read this too and I liked it a lot.
